Birankai – broń


1. Execution
2. Extension
3. Focus
4. Distance

1) Footwork

a. Suri ashi (forward and backward)
b. Ushiro tenkan
c. Ushiro tenkan with forward suri ashi
d. Ayumi ashi

2) Stances

a. Gedan
b. Waki gamae
c. Jodan
d. Hasso
e. Seigan

1) Katate Suburi

a. Kesa / Gyaku kesa
b. Shomen
c. Yoko giri
d. Nukitsuke variations of above

2) Morote Suburi (using above footwork)

a. Shomen
b. Tsuki
c. Kesa

3) Shihogiri

a. Right and left hamni
b. Without and with tsuki

4) Happogiri

a. Right and left hamni
b. Without and with tsuki

5) 8-count Suburi

a. Tachi-waza
b. Suwari-waza

6) Uchi komi

a. Shomen
b. Tsuki
c. Kesa

i. Suri ashi with back foot
ii. Suri ashi with front foot
iii. Ayumi ashi


1) Kiriotoshi

a. Exercises (with timing and distance variations for each)                b. Variations

i. Jodan                                                                                              i. Shomen (jodan) Suriotoshi

1. Slow / Medium / Fast                                                                   1. Inside (uchi)
2. Close / At a distance                                                                   2. Outside (soto)

ii. Chudan                                                                                          ii. Tsuki (chudan) Suriotoshi
iii. Gedan                                                                                           iii. Kote (uchi) Suriotoshi
iv. Tsuki                                                                                              iv. Kote (soto) Makiuchi

2) Kirikaeshi

a. Kirikaeshi Exercises (Partner work – from horse stance)

i. Mawashiuchi
ii. Suriotoshi
iii. Uchiotoshi
iv. Suriage

b. Kirikaeshi Exercises (Partner Work – from hamni)

i. Above four exercises
ii. Variations (any attack, above four exercises)

c. Kirikaeshi Applications (Tai-no-Atari)

3) Kumi Tachi (five encounters)

a. Ichi no Tachi
b. Ni no Tachi
c. San no Tachi
d. Yon no Tachi
e. Go no Tachi

4) Ki Musubi no Tachi

a. Basic
b. Variations

i. Omote
ii. Ura

5) Tanto variations of above techniques
6) Wakizashi variations of above techniques
7) Tachi dori (empty hand against bokken)


1. Execution
2. Extension
3. Focus
4. Distance


1) Basic Handling

a. Stretches
b. Spins
c. Hand positions (Junte and Gyakute

2) Attacks

a. Kesa
b. Tsuki
c. Shomen


1) 36 Basics and variations (right and left hamni)

a. 12 Kesa 1st and 2nd encounter
b. 12 Tsuki 1st and 2nd encounter
c. 12 Shomen 1st and 2nd encounter

2) Kumi Jyo (Jyo vs. Jyo)

a. Sansho #1

i. Part 1 with ending variations
ii. Part 2
iii. Part 3 with ending variations

b. Sansho #2

3) Kumi Gata (Jyo vs. Bokken)

a. Sansho #3

i. Variations

b. 36 Jyo basics against Bokken

4) Jyo Waza variations (Kokyo nage with Jyo)
5) Jyo Dori variations (Empty hand vs. Jyo)

Jyo – 36 kata




  • 1. Kesa Uchi # 1
  • 2. Kesa Uchi # 2
  • 3. Maki Otoshi
  • 4. Kaete Uchi Otoshi
  • 5. Junte Uchi Otoshi
  • 6. Kaeshi Uchi Otoshi #1 # 2
  • 7. Kaiten uchiotoshi #1
  • 8. Kaiten uchiotoshi #2
  • 9. Otoshi tsuki #1
  • 10. Otoshi tsuki #2
  • 11. Otoshi tsuki #3
  • 12. Otoshi tsuki #4

  • 1. Choku Tsuki
  • 2. Kaeshi Tsuki
  • 3. Harai Tsuki
  • 4. Maki otoshi #1, #2
  • 5. Kaeshi uchiotoshi #1
  • 6. Kaeshi uchiotoshi #2
  • 7. Maki uchiotoshi #1, #2
  • 8. Kesa uchi #1, #2, #3
  • 9. Otoshi tsuki #1
  • 10. Otoshi tsuki #2
  • 11. Kaiten uchiotoshi #1, #2
  • 12. Katate uchi
  • 1. Nagashi Uchi
  • 2. Harai Uchi Otoshi
  • 3. Kaeshi Tsuki #1 # 2 # 3
  • 4. Maki otoshi #1
  • 5. Maki otoshi #2
  • 6. Jumonji suriotoshi #1
  • 7. Jumonji suriotoshi #2
  • 8. Otoshi tsuki #1
  • 9. Otoshi tsuki #2
  • 10. Otoshi tsuki #3
  • 11. Kaiten uchiotoshi #1, #2
  • 12. Kesa uchi